Founded in 1998, Hope Lutheran has grown from a small core group of people meeting in rented space into what it is today, all by the grace and goodness of God. Times change, people come and go, facilities change, but in such an atmosphere of change, Hope's commitment to preach the unconditional gospel of Christ hasn't changed a bit. It's our sincere desire and corporate mission to share the gospel with our neighbors and serve them in love. That good news message of Christ crucified and risen isn't just for Manhattan, Wamego, St. George, and Fort Riley - it's for the world! Through Hope's partnership with our national church body (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod), we can help spread the gospel throughout the world.
Our synod operates four ministerial education schools, which give focused training for future church workers in the preaching and teaching ministry. The two college prep schools are Luther Preparatory School in Watertown, Wisconsin and Michigan Lutheran Seminary in Saginaw, Michigan. Our WELS college of ministry is Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minnesota. Finally, future pastors complete their training at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in Mequon, Wisconsin.
Here in Manhattan, a little group that used to meet once a month for Bible study asked our national church body (the WELS) for help to try to serve all the kinds of people in the Manhattan area.
"Aren't there other churches?" we were asked hundreds of times as we reached out to our community.
And we answered, "Yes, and if you're hearing the gospel of Jesus proclaimed, we're grateful. But we know that there are so many who aren't being served in the gospel of Jesus, and we want to try to serve them, too."
Our synod operates four ministerial education schools, which give focused training for future church workers in the preaching and teaching ministry. The two college prep schools are Luther Preparatory School in Watertown, Wisconsin and Michigan Lutheran Seminary in Saginaw, Michigan. Our WELS college of ministry is Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minnesota. Finally, future pastors complete their training at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in Mequon, Wisconsin.
Here in Manhattan, a little group that used to meet once a month for Bible study asked our national church body (the WELS) for help to try to serve all the kinds of people in the Manhattan area.
"Aren't there other churches?" we were asked hundreds of times as we reached out to our community.
And we answered, "Yes, and if you're hearing the gospel of Jesus proclaimed, we're grateful. But we know that there are so many who aren't being served in the gospel of Jesus, and we want to try to serve them, too."